Sunday, November 29, 2009

From Halloween to Christmas Tree

The picture-a-day project has fallen apart a bit. Lost camera, dead battery, sick mom, pink-eye, etc, etc. but other than all that things have been fun around here. Here are a few pics (outfits too) to fill in the gaps.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby Boy chanels John Travolta

I know I am woefully behind on the outfit-a-day project, and truth be told have not even been keeping up with taking the photos, so to tide over until I get back on track I am providing a few pics of Super Disco Inferno B from our summer vacation in Ohio. The hat is from H & M and the pants are from Tea.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Here comes Batman!

Little B kept wanting to take his coat off outside so he could be a superhero,as it is beginning to get quite chilly here in Brooklyn I needed to figure out a way to keep him in his coat. I cut up a t-shirt he had with a batman logo on it and stiched it to the back of his puffy orange vest. Problem solved, and while I am not the best seamstress, I was rather impressed with my own craftiness.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blurry B

I think B is a little bored with the picture-a-day project. This is what I got last Monday when I tried to photograph him wearing his Darth "elevator" tee from H&M. The only thing that seems to be in focus is my laundry waiting to be put away!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Autumn Boy

Didn't really do a good job of recording B every day this past week, but here he is playing in the leaves. I love his bright blue eyes...tonight I was sitting on the couch and he was getting ready to go for a walk with his Daddy.....he blew me a kiss and turned to go, and then turned back around and looked at me with his blue eyes and said, "I want to give you a real kiss Mommy." and climbed over the arm of the sofa and gave me a kiss.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Skipping ahead to Friday

Sigh, somehow I missed this whole week. I don't really know what happened.
Well here is B on Friday in a vest (he loves vests, don't know why, but given the option he gets very excited) and this one is from Tea. He is also wearing his new boots from Smoochie Baby. I had to look for a while for velcro closure boots (he needed to be able to take them on and off for school) and finally found these at one of my fave local spots. They were a little more than I had wanted to spend, but I justified it since the higher top meant I could stretch the wearability of his too short, two t pants. I love this pic of B, he is such a delight!

Mischievous Boy

Here is my mischievous BB trying to toss his hoodie off our front porch last Monday (yes I am behind....oh well!) I love the tee he is wearing. It is from egg & avocado and designed by a local Brooklyn mom. You can find more of her designs at Area Kids, another shop started by a local Mom.
Here is a close-up of the dogs riding a roller coaster design:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Endless Summer and Hand arounds

One week into my daily recording and I am already trying to catch up on posts.....It is still warm here so I decided to sneak in our fave green shorts one more time. I bought this tee a while ago on the sale rack at the Gap, but it was way too big for B, so I passed it up to BFF (who in spite of being a few months younger than B is a full year + ahead in size...he is a very tall kid!) for a while. It was BFF's favorite shirt for a good 6 months, but he finally outgrew it and handed it back to B. Soon we'll hand it back down to BFF's soon to arrive little brother! I like the handing back and forth; they get clothes, and we get the enjoyment of seeing other dear one's in favorite items. The clothes are not so much hand-me-downs as they are hand-arounds.

New Shirt

A few things about this outfit. First, we are enjoying a little bit of an Indian Summer here in Brooklyn. Does that make white pants after labor day okay? Second, I wanted baby boy to wear his yellow rainboots, but he wanted to wear the "vintage" reeboks (they are his new favorite shoes, all though they are really too big for him still) When I tried to talk him into the boots, he said, "but mommy it's not raining!" I guess truth and practicality trumped fashion in this case. Third, this is his new shirt, from Old Navy, but via my favorite Salvation Army on Bedford and No. 7th. We found it last week, however I finally got around to washing it the other day. B was so excited he wore it to bed and then to school the next day. I am zooming in for the close-up:

It's a Super Robot Ninja, because being one just wasn't enough.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I never know how to dress myself this time of year, and now I have to figure out how to dress BB. I went for the sweater with shorts look today....I'm never sure about that, does it really work? I do like these "vintage" reeboks...vintage is another thing I am never sure about, these reeboks are about 5 years old, a hand-me-down, which makes them ancient in toddler years, but does that make them vintage? I see all these 80s clothes marked as vintage these days, but I still have some from my teen years...does that make me vintage? and is this how my mom felt when bell-bottoms came back in during the early 90s? Am I my mother? Vintage, such a fraught word.

Smile for Grandma

I was trying to take B's pic and he was making the most sour faces, then I said "smile for Grandma!" and I got this bright little face.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Since I am starting this recording project a little into the school year already, here is an outfit baby boy wore last week. Mostly this outfit is re-mixed: his octopus tee from Tea, his yellow rainboots from Vincent (and Smoochie Baby) a pair of awesome argyle knee socks and another pair of shorts from H & M. Forgot to point out in the last post, his super-short, super-big boy new school haircut.

First day of School

Baby boy dancing his way to his first day of school in a pair of shorts from H&M, an old fave of a dress shirt, from Zara Kids, via the Salvation Army, and his See Kai Run sandels. I want to try to record him every day for a year and post a pic here. I'm not so good with the daily things so we'll see how it goes. I think it will be interesting to see a year of my son's life in stop-action style.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ode to the Red Pants

These were a hand me down from BFF, and we wear them, ALOT!

Getting Ready for Summer

I love these giraffe print sunglasses, so does B.

It's all in the details.

I think I spend far too much time thinking about my child's dress. Perhaps there are better things I could be doing with my time?
Here is the whole outfit (the top is another pajama top from Old Navy):

Rainy Day Outfit

Orange Hat

Another old pic, but I did so love this big floppy baby sun hat on Baby Boy. He won't wear hats anymore, but what a cutie, asleep from a day in the sun.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Rainboots

Here is B, walking through the grass in his new bright yellow rainboots, from Vincent. I bought them from a cute new store in Williamsburg called Smoochie Baby. The owner doesn't have her website up yet, but it is on Barry, around No. 5th. Check it out if you are in the area!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Jolly Little Fellow

Sometimes I forget what a chubby baby B was, he's such a thin little boy, but then I run across such cute proof, wearing his purple pants and Hunter S. Thompson cap even. I loved that sweater, a Target find, and the Robeez shoes too.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fashion Model Shot

This is from early fall, but I haven't caught up on all my pictures since the holidays! However, JW you wanted a new pic, so here it is.....PS The awesome stripey sweater is a vintage french number from yet another thrift store.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

El Camino Tee, and other forgotten posts

I can't believe I never posted a pic of Baby Boy in his El Camino Tee! I loved this shirt, he wore it like every other day, and this is the best pic I can find! Other forgotten outfits....his old man tourist ensemble and a cute plaid shirt that was a hand-me-down.

P.S. Look how much Baby Boy has grown....I really should remember to write more stuff down...Lately he has been singing songs, his favorites are Jingle Bells, Old MacDonald, and recently, Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Octopus Tee from Tea

Baby Boy is standing outside of Lynn's Paradise Cafe in Louisville, KY. I used to work here, now we usually go eat there when we are home. The shirt is from Tea, and was a birthday gift. The jeans were from Old Navy.

Young Americans

This tee is from Pluto. Are they referring to the David Bowie song or the nationality of the intended wearer?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Follow-up: The Slits

I can't believe I didn't remember who this band was......early punk, British, opened for "The Clash" , drummer who later joined "Siouxsie & the Banshees".......guess I'm just not cool enough, (well at least my kid is, he is the one wearing the shirt after all!) Anyway, here is the Wikipedia entry.

Do we look alike?

I know this is sort of vain and self-involved, to post pictures of myself and BB and obsess over how we look alike, but isn't that part of why we have children? To see ourselves continue in the younger generation? Anyway, I don't usually notice that Baby Boy and I look alike, because he looks so much like his Daddy, until I see pictures of us together.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Who are "The Slits"?

...and is it wrong to put my wee son in a tee bearing the rather inappropriate name of a band I don't even know?

Friday, January 2, 2009

I swear he put himself in the cage!

This is what Baby Boy wore for Christmas at my Dad's family's. The shirt is from Zara, but I found it at a thrift store. I didn't even know they sold kid's clothes, I don't remember ever seeing any...are they only available in Europe maybe?

This is what Baby Boy wore for Christmas at my Mom's. (He lost his pants early in the evening, so this is the best pic I can find.) Love those babylegs!