Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh, though I may neglegt thee, I do so love thy cuteness

I don't know about that faire this weekend?  [I meant the blog is neglected not the boy] This little corner of internet real estate has certainly been neglected of late, but we have not been lacking in good outfits.  B continues to develop more and more of his own style (there are a lot of super heroes involved) but, you know, I am his mother, so I definitely influence him at least.

I loved this outfit, and his silly pose is total rock star.  The new skinny jeans are thrifted, the shirt and the shoes are from H & M.  The rest of that gorgeousness?  hey I made that!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stripes on Stripes

I love a good stripe on my BBoy, and what's better than a good stripe?  Stripes on stripes! Here we have a green and white long-sleeved thermal (from Filene's Basement, no idea of brand) with a blue and white H & M sleeveless tee, paired with a pair of hand-around khakis with tiny embroidered skulls (though you can't see them very well in this bad phone pic.  Ahhhh, well my camera is still un-replaced, so I'm afraid all I have are blurry phone-pics these days)