Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Baby Boy and his BFF

Well....they'll have to decide about the BFF part, but for now, they hang. They are both wearing their Speesee's onesies. I love this company, they use organic cotton, etc, etc, but they don't look crunchy, or even washed out. Check out their company mission.

Got Mama?

I don't have anything that clever to say about this, only that baby boy's definitely got his mama, wrapped around his finger that is.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Alligator Tee

I try not to dress Baby Boy in anything with a licsensed character. I only have a limited amount of time to control what he sees, hears, and wears, and I don't want to waste it by pre-subscribing him to consume branding. I do, however, love the alligator on this tee; it seems to have a lot of character.

Flying Baby Boy

That's me with Baby Boy, but look at his cute hat. My mother made this hat, it is supposed to be an acorn, but I love that it looks like some 1920s flying helmet.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Dryclean for a baby?

Baby Boy's daddy bought this shirt, it is made from recycled fabric, and those sleeves are cashmere. The shirt has a dryclean only label, now I ask you, what kind of man buys a dryclean only garment for his son? Apart from the question of chemicals how is this practical? Well I have washed this garment several times with no ill-effects, and I must admit, labeling aside, I do love this shirt. Is the peace sign over the recycled camo too much? Baby Boy is wearing his favorite spring hat with pin-striped pants and his Robeez boots.

Super Bebe

My friend brought this suit back from a trip to France. I love the 1920s bathing suit quality that it has. I hope that Baby Boy is dreaming of being a Super Bebe.

Can purple pants make a boy happy?

I love these purple pants, but even more I love the expression on Baby Boy's face. He wears them well with his Airwalks and white onesie.

Baby Boy in the Grass

There is something so classicaly boyish about a pair of Osh-Kosh overalls. I love Baby Boy in his, and inspite of his pissed-off expression, he was having a great day in the wide outdoors.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Little Redneck

I am from Kentucky, and even though baby boy is being raised a New Yorker, his roots sometimes come out, but just in case my little Redneck should forget who he is, I have clearly labeled him New York.

Little Redneck

I am from Kentucky, and even though baby boy is being raised a New Yorker, his roots sometimes come out, but just in case my little Redneck should forget who he is, I have clearly labeled him with his New York wife beater.

To Shoe or not to Shoe?

So I was so excited about these shoes that I put them on the moment we left Old Navy. After a block I suddenly discovered we were missing one. We walked back a block or 2 before admitting defeat. As we turned around to sadly go on our way, a man hanging out with a group of people outside a bodega called out to us. He was holding up Baby Boy's shoe. I thanked him profusely and smiled. As we walked away the man called out to us again, telling us that baby's don't need shoes, just put 'em in socks he said. I can't say that I don't agree with him, but Baby Boy does look awful cute in his felt shoes.

Tropical Oasis

His dad picked out this outfit. Even though you can't see it, this collared shirt has crabs on it, which makes it the perfect accessory for baby boy's tacky tropical themed baby gym.