Monday, December 22, 2008

Lost Chicken Tee

I have no idea where this tee went and I don't remember the brand name. Baby Boy and I both loved it, all summer long he was going through a chicken phase, so this was the perfect shirt.

BB and his BFF

We spent this weekend visiting with old friends....and it was so lovely. Baby Boy and I spent most of his first year watching my best friend's son, who is only 2 months younger than him. Now the 2 boys have such a beautiful relationship, even though they seem to be almost exact opposites in terms of temperament. We were at a party on Saturday and as it got later we let the boys watch a movie, and they sat together with BB's head resting on BFF's shoulder. It made me nostalgic for that year, so here are some commemorative pictures. (Don't the boys seem to be whispering to each other? As quick and mischievous as they were, I always suspected that they were communicating via some ancient baby tongue.)

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I love these boots, and yet we seem to have lost sad.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Daddy's Shoes

I hope that one day Baby Boy outstrips both of us, but right now those are some big shoes to fill.

Ode to my parents

Baby Boy's grandparents bought him this outfit. Currently the triceratops tee is BB's most requested item of clothing. So this pic is for you Mom; B really does wear everything you give him. (I love this shirt too, so boyish.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Charlie Brown

My grandfather's real name was Charles is Baby Boy channeling the better known Charles Shultz version this summer (via a shirt from Old Navy, via a sweet gift from our neighbor)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a cute outfit on a cute Baby Boy

I have to look up the brand name of the hooded sweater BB is wearing...his Dad got it a little store called Cricket, in the West Village.....I can't find any pics of the rest of the sweater so you can't see the little bear prints up his back. The sweater vest is Kenneth Cole (from last year!)

Happy Cold Weather Boy

I have lots more pics to catch up on from the summer, but here is little B all dressed and out with his Dad, in his new winter gear. The boots are from See Kai Run, and both the vest and the courdoroy coat are from Old Navy, but I got the coat used from Flying Squirrel.