This was the first chilly day in September, and I was so excited for Baby Boy to wear this jacket. I had bought it months earlier at the Salvation Army (originally from Gap) and I got out this outfit, but Baby Boy had other ideas in mind. HE pulled out his favorite orange tee, it is from a trip to the Chicago Aquarium and has a fish on the front of it. His father got it for him, but I think it is such a tacky, tacky tourist shirt. However, this was the first time BB had ever requested an item of clothing. Did I rise to the occasion, put my personal style aside, let BB express himself? No, I hid the shirt when he wasn't paying attention, and put on this nice plain black one instead. I have to say, my little repression of his idea took a lot of the enjoyment out of his outfit. However, it was a beautiful day splashing in the puddles with his friend, and since then I have let Baby Boy wear anything he requests, though mostly he is content for me to pick out his clothes (at least for a little while longer.)
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