We recently learned (after meeting another boy named Bowie in Fort Green Park) that the name means "fair haired boy" certainly pertains to my boy and sometimes to the Bowie he is named after, who is proudly on display across his chest in my B's take on post-punk style.
styling baby boy
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Risky Business
My son does his best 1980s Tom Cruise impersonation....which would be disturbing if he actually knew who Tom cruise was.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Rain boots but no rain
B is on his way out to play ball on a lovely day, but insisted on wearing his rain boots....ah well at least he's out the door for some fresh air.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Baby Boy's Transformation
B has requested his hair stay long and shaggy for the last several years, but the last cut he requested "short on the sides and long on the top, but not like a Mohawk, just spikey" I think this is a pretty good interpretation.
He is almost unrecognizable though, I kept losing him on a trip to the natural history museum, even though he was right next to me. He looks so grown up.
He is almost unrecognizable though, I kept losing him on a trip to the natural history museum, even though he was right next to me. He looks so grown up.
Friday, January 25, 2013
B annoys the hipsters
@ Stella Dallas .... I was shopping for rugs ...b indulged his love of sunglasses ... The sales staff did not seem to find this charming.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Has it really been more than a year!
Picture from some time late winter last year, Feb? March? B has been busy growing, we moved apartments, he goes to a school where he has to wear a uniform (which has only slightly dampened his style ;) ) Generally my boy is big & happy & doing well. I love him to bits.
Tonight he informed me that he does not want a T in his name, and though he has always gone by his middle name, he will no longer accept that Thomas is his first name. He also told me he wanted doors on his room (we live in a railroad apartment) See, a big boy. Still stylin' though.
Tonight he informed me that he does not want a T in his name, and though he has always gone by his middle name, he will no longer accept that Thomas is his first name. He also told me he wanted doors on his room (we live in a railroad apartment) See, a big boy. Still stylin' though.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Oh, though I may neglegt thee, I do so love thy cuteness
I don't know about that title...ren faire this weekend? [I meant the blog is neglected not the boy] This little corner of internet real estate has certainly been neglected of late, but we have not been lacking in good outfits. B continues to develop more and more of his own style (there are a lot of super heroes involved) but, you know, I am his mother, so I definitely influence him at least.
I loved this outfit, and his silly pose is total rock star. The new skinny jeans are thrifted, the shirt and the shoes are from H & M. The rest of that gorgeousness? hey I made that!
I loved this outfit, and his silly pose is total rock star. The new skinny jeans are thrifted, the shirt and the shoes are from H & M. The rest of that gorgeousness? hey I made that!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Stripes on Stripes
I love a good stripe on my BBoy, and what's better than a good stripe? Stripes on stripes! Here we have a green and white long-sleeved thermal (from Filene's Basement, no idea of brand) with a blue and white H & M sleeveless tee, paired with a pair of hand-around khakis with tiny embroidered skulls (though you can't see them very well in this bad phone pic. Ahhhh, well my camera is still un-replaced, so I'm afraid all I have are blurry phone-pics these days)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My baby boy sure does love a nice pair of shades
Seriously, I should put together a whole post of just pictures of him in sunglasses. Also, side note, his favorite color is pink. Just ask him, he'll tell you. Take that stupid gender biasing culture, pink is a great color.
Unfortunately he broke these shades about 10 minutes after these pictures were taken.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Been a While.....so here are a bunch
This vest (from Old Navy) is actually a 2T, but I like the slightly shorter, slimmer fit. The Batman sweater was a cool find at H & M last Christmas. I got one for both BB and BFF.
Gotta love Carter's for basic cords. Affordable and a nice fit...very retro 70s. The boots he is wearing in several of these photos were an AWESOME purchase this fall from Zara Kids. (Plus it was like the last pair so they were on super sale)
I like the gold chain...he accessorized himself.
If you look closely, you can see the scrapes and bruises by his eye....he tripped and fell face first on some concrete steps...OMG!
This is his super hero cape that we got from the Renegade Craft Fair this summer (and some really cute pants from ebay)
These are his grown-up pants from Old Navy. The shirt was from the Renegade Craft Fair two years ago. Again I like the smaller fit on him.
This is the first day of school this year (and his fourth birthday) he picked out the Batman shirt himself. Also from Old Navy.
The cutest little boy butt you'll ever find.
Do you think I maybe went a little overboard with this outfit? I will say he added the boots (from Tretorn) himself....I think they might be what pushed it over the line...
I love this picture. He is wearing my hat, but looks so much cooler than me in it.
Gotta love Carter's for basic cords. Affordable and a nice fit...very retro 70s. The boots he is wearing in several of these photos were an AWESOME purchase this fall from Zara Kids. (Plus it was like the last pair so they were on super sale)
I like the gold chain...he accessorized himself.
If you look closely, you can see the scrapes and bruises by his eye....he tripped and fell face first on some concrete steps...OMG!
This is his super hero cape that we got from the Renegade Craft Fair this summer (and some really cute pants from ebay)
These are his grown-up pants from Old Navy. The shirt was from the Renegade Craft Fair two years ago. Again I like the smaller fit on him.
This is the first day of school this year (and his fourth birthday) he picked out the Batman shirt himself. Also from Old Navy.
The cutest little boy butt you'll ever find.
Do you think I maybe went a little overboard with this outfit? I will say he added the boots (from Tretorn) himself....I think they might be what pushed it over the line...
I love this picture. He is wearing my hat, but looks so much cooler than me in it.
Baby Boy Style
Have I ever mentioned that Baby Boy likes to wear his pants backward? Well he does...his shoes too.
PS This whole outfit is from H & M. I really like their basics, and very affordable.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Star Wars & Suess
Though Baby Boy has never been able to sit through all of Star Wars (episode 4, of course) (we have attempted it 3 times) he knows all of the characters. This shirt was a hand-around from BFF (who has sat through all of the movie) and it is being combined with some shorts from Wal-Mart, bought in Tennessee in desperation after he had a big poopy accident while having pictures taken with his cousin last year, his new slip-on tennies from H & M ($8, with 20% discount!) and his Dr. Seuss backpack given to him by his Grandparents, after the like 10th word he learned was Seuss.
I like the mono-chrome brown effect.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Street Rockin'
This picture is from B a little earlier in the spring (it has gotten hot all of the sudden, when did summer creep in?) and I love both the outfit and this shot of B. He is wearing his skinny jeans from H&M, a pair of classic red Chuck hightops, his Young Americans tee from Pluto, and a sweater I found at a thrift store...I think it is from French Toast or something, one of those companies that makes uniforms for kids.....in fact all of these clothes, except the Chucks, which were a hand-me-down, were bought at thrift stores. This whole outfit cost under $10. Oh, and the red sunglasses of course. No idea where those came from, his Dad got them.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Gorgeous Baby Boy
Seriously, my son is gorgeous and funny and delightfully boyish. I couldn't pick just one pic of this outing at the zoo. The hat is a sun hat of mine I bought probably 10 years ago at Target; the pants are size 2T from the Gap (I think) but I set them aside over the winter and I think my plan of having him wear them as cute little clam diggers is working out; the sleeveless tee is from H & M, they have these great inexpensive 2 packs of tee shirts, one is patterned (usually a cute stripe) and one is solid. They are $7 for the sleeveless, $9 for the tee, and $12 for the long sleeves. I had a 20% off coupon when I bought these, so super cheap and super cute. This outfit is a little short on the original and big on the big-box, but since it is composed of basics (and items I am recycling for a new look) I think it is okay.
PS The shoes are from See Kai Run, and I got them last summer, and didn't think there was any way they would fit B, but somehow, I think because they are so soft and flexible, they do.
PS The shoes are from See Kai Run, and I got them last summer, and didn't think there was any way they would fit B, but somehow, I think because they are so soft and flexible, they do.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Baby Boy cracks me up. Look at his face in that first picture, I call it his boy face, I know when he makes it he is getting ready to be mischievous. This spiderman shirt has been featured before, but the various boys in my life (especially his Dad who picked it out for him) geek out on it whenever they see it....I think it is the first appearance of spiderman or something like that anyway. The pants are vintage, and I sort of forgot about them, but now B is almost grown out of them.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I was reading the other day that boys start to develop testosterone at around age 3.....here is my sweet little boy and his friend from school enjoying each other's company. B is wearing his fave Tea pants with one of his many Super Hero tees and "vintage" Reeboks.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Spiderman hat
B has been very insistent on his fashion choices lately. He definitely picked out this outfit all by himself, though I insisted he wear a hat, any hat, as it was a chilly morning. Lately these pants from Tea have been an almost everyday request, they are getting thin from constant washing.
Monday, April 26, 2010
B and his Pock?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Singing in the Rain
Couldn't resist posting one more pic of B in his rainy day gear, especially since he looks so ready to burst into song!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Rainy Day Fun

Monday, April 19, 2010
Spiderman Socks

These socks are B's favorites, but they are getting to small. Where do you find spider-man socks?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Shark
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